Tuesday, April 28, 2009

“What are you twelfth man on the deal team – last to know?” -- Gordon Gekko

“What are you twelfth man on the deal team – last to know?”
Gordon Gekko

Ever feel sometimes that you don’t get the joke? I wonder if that sometimes happening with respect to eLearning. Cego Group, Europe’s largest learning and development company, recently completed a survey that showed employees wanted more eLearning (by 25%) and eLearning 2.0 (by 33%) (eLearning 2.0 is built around collaborative learning, using Web 2.0 tools such as blogging, forums, shoutboxes, etc). In addition, 75% of employees want more peer training and learning – social learning.

Which led me to thinking about some memorable quotes from one of my favorite movies - Wall Street…

Gordon Gekko asked Bud Fox http://www.entertonement.com/clips/27561/Wall-Street/Michael-Douglas/Gordon-Gecko/Twelfth-Man-on-the-Deal-Team “What are you twelfth man on the deal team – last to know.” Do you think the HR function is getting it? Is HR always the last to learn?

The good news is that we are talking to a lot of organizations that are getting it. That’s why they are exploring how eLearning 2.0 tools with social networking, integrated with traditional learning management functionality.

But some are not. Another great Gekko line comes to mind: http://www.entertonement.com/clips/72725/If-You-Are-Not-Inside-You-Are-Outside “If you’re not inside, then you’re outside, ok?” OK.

How can this be? Why is HR behind the curve? Is it generational?
As CEO, the question I would ask my head of HR – do you have a Facebook™ page? Over 200 million do... Which means many, if not most, of your employees or students do. If your HR head does not have a Facebook page, ask and ensure they are considering relevant collaborative eLearning tools that are on the market today.

In our marketing material, which you can review at http://www.interactyx.com/download-eLearning-topyx-brochures, we refer to research that shows that corporate learners, especially Generation X and Generation Y – are demanding eLearning tools that products, such as TOPYX™.

My last Gordon Gekko quote (promise - at least in this blog): http://www.entertonement.com/clips/27569/Wall-Street/Michael-Douglas/Gordon-Gecko/This-Is-Your-Wake-Up-Call “This is your wake up call pal. Go to work.” Listen to what the staff (and Gordon Gekko) is saying.

Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 and mLearning platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to http://www.interactyx.com/.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

“…2009 may well prove to be the most significant year in the evolution of the book since Gutenberg hammered out his original Bible.”

“…2009 may well prove to be the most significant year in the evolution of the book since Gutenberg hammered out his original Bible.”
Wall Street Journal. April 20, 2009

On the cover of today’s Wall Street Journal’s The Journal Report, is a very interesting article by Steven Johnson called: “How the eBook will Change the Way We Read and Write.” The above quote is in his article. It essentially describes with the digitization of books, the entire game has changed on the purchase, sharing, communicating, writing, etc. of books. A very interesting read…

Use the replace all for eBooks and insert “eLearning 2.0”. 2009 will be the year that eLearning changes and eLearning 2.0 is embraced by corporations and institutions. Why? The promise was always there, the technology has not been. And like Amazon’s Kindle™ and Sony’s Reader™, eLearning 2.0 is available now. A recent survey - top 2 boxes equal 72% - by the eLearning Guild Research shows strong evidence that eLearning 2.0 initiatives are worth the effort in organizations.

If you read the article and consider all the powerful dynamics Steven Johnson describes that the electronic book will provide and consider an electronic learning platform for corporations and institutions, you have TOPYX™. Add to it the mobility of smartphones, you have TOPYX Mobile.

Learning objects enters the world of networked, digital content. Add existing content, create new content, collaborate with colleagues over difficult matters, debate immediately with folks learning the same content across the world, directly contact the instructor or author, repurpose content and resell small units or different units over various books (see our Edutainment business unit for more on ecommerce of TOPYX) through our ecommerce module.
TOPYX brings the engagement of Web 2.0 technologies into one elegant, intuitive learning platform that is affordable and easy to get into your operations and embraced by your learners. No need to wait any more.

Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 and mLearning platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to http://www.interactyx.com/.

SLX, no really, SLX

SLX, no really, SLX
I found a recent case study highlighted by Bersin & Associates on how Sun Microsystems uses social software to build social learning was very interesting. It highlights the pent up demand for collaborative learning, as well we how it can be done quickly and affordably.
According to Bersin, Sun’s sales training group did not have sufficient budget or hours to meet all the training needs of sales professionals. The training group also wanted to make sure sales teams have selling tools at their fingertips with minimal clicks and support in the field, and by making it possible for subject matter experts to share valuable information with peers worldwide.

Sun wanted:
· open, informal learning environment
· a solution that would be:
- fast
- accessible
- easy to use
· functional on both desktops and mobile devices

Most of the Sun’s system was built in-house and the online content delivery network was outsourced. The entire solution was built for $60,000.

By implementing a social learning environment called Sun Learning eXchange (SLX), the training function found an effective way to "do more with less."

So what happened according to Bersin:
· One week after launch, there were 3,338 unique users (employees and contractors) from 51 countries; 19,508 content views; and 315 pieces of new content uploaded.
· Uploaded content doubled in two weeks, beating the goal by 10 weeks. Less than a month after launch, SLX has been accessed by more than 6,750 unique users in 82 countries, with 42,941 page views during 9,637 visits.
· Today, the system receives up to an average of 100 pieces of new content uploaded daily, making it one of the most frequently used learning programs across the company.

This is where eLearning is going. This is where TOPYX is – eLearning 2.0 is here. And you can have this today for less than $15,000 per annum – more than 75% less Sun’s cost and fully hosted. Check TOPYX’s test drive out and see for yourself.

Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 and mLearning platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to www.interactyx.com.

Alfred R. Novas
Chief Executive Officer
Interactyx Limited


Social Networking Is Fast Migrating To Business World

Social Networking Is Fast Migrating To Business World

In IBD® this past week, an interesting how social networking is being used in the business space. As you know, we could not agree more. If 200 million users on Facebook® are doing this now, on their own time, why wouldn’t you expect that works its way into the corporate setting.

We think also think this applies to how folks will learn, engage and collaborate. That is why we built TOPYX™. But we also support the desire for any department, small and medium size business to take full advantage of this phenomenon. We priced it so you can afford it. We support it by working with you so you can get it operational very quickly. We host it so you don’t have to deal with any hardware or IT stress. We skin it as if it came right out of your graphic design group. And if you want to add smartphones to access it, we can help you there as well.

According to Forrester Research, social networking in businesses will go from US$258 million in 2008 to $1.0 billion in 2011 and $2.0 billion in 2013. We can get you there for under $20,000 per annum. Others may ask for + six figures.

Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 and mLearning platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to www.interactyx.com.
Alfred R. Novas
Chief Executive Officer
Interactyx Limited


Mobile learning is here

Mobile learning is here
I would love to blog about our about to be announced new TOPYX Mobile and how it is going to take mLearning to a new level – but maybe I am a bit biased so I will leave that to others. But mLearning is coming fast and furious.

As reported in , SAP is now offering corporate apps on the iPhone. Salesforce.com is offering Mobile Lite for CRM. Smartphones now represent 25% of all handset sales, double the sales mix from the previous year as 3G is readily available.

Learners want to learn when and where they want to learn. mLearning platforms and contents, with the robust smartphone, allows for this to happen. Then add social networking functionality, we have quite a compelling set of tools to for corporations, content owners or academic programs to truly engage their learner in ways only imagined.
Then you add location ready capabilities, you actually create a learning experience that is quite unique.

We are very proud to be on the eve of the launch TOPYX Mobile. We believe this will liberate the learner to enage in the eLearning whenever and wherever they want. And with TOPYX and an integrated social networking functionality, we think our total eLearning/mLearning 2.0 solution is worthy of celebrating.
Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 and mLearning platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to www.interactyx.com.

Alfred R. Novas
Chief Executive Officer
Interactyx Limited


Can you afford to live in an eLearning 1.0 world?

Can you afford to live in an eLearning 1.0 world?

In arguably one of the most trying times to lead organizations of all types, leaders must still lead.

In this week's magazine's cover story Game Changing Ideas for Business, it discusses how leading companies such as Cisco, Accenture and Deloitte are using collaboration to stay competitive.

“Companies are tapping…innovative collaboration tools and social networks to speed up productivity and decision making.”

Enterprises of all sizes should be embracing collaboration at all levels now.

Is there a better way to get your organization to embrace collaboration is to train and educate them with learning tools with integrated social networking tools? From before a new employee joins the team via onboarding tools to working on new initiatives, use eLearning 2.0 and tools that truly support collaborative learning to energize your new hire and reduce time-to-productivity.

Check out Interactyx Limited, the developer of TOPYX™. Interactyx is at forefront of developing eLearning and social networking solutions that engage and communicate knowledge-sharing activities with learners. Our eLearning 2.0 education distribution technologies are paving the way in creating innovative solutions to meet the needs of today’s learner.

Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to http://www.interactyx.com/.

Alfred R. Novas
Chief Executive Officer
Interactyx Limited


Another 651,000 lose their jobs

Another 651,000 lose their jobs

The first Friday of every month brings a little more despair as we learn how many households are impacted by this recession. It is truly heartwrenching.

So as I drive in the office, I imagine how many CEOs, CFOs and department heads are thinking “I need to protect the enterprise.” Certainly, making the decision to layoff your fellow teammates is one of the toughest a leader makes in business.

Discretionary spending is often a target – and rightfully so. Corporate training often is usually an easy target. However, as we ask fewer of our teammates to do more in this environment, we need to ensure they have the requisite skills to be more productive than ever before. Also, as a leader, you want to reinforce with the team that you are fully invested in their development and success. Sending a message that you are cutting back on their development does not help this.
One way to both reduce costs, while providing the tools for more effective training is what we developed here at Interactyx. TOPYX™ provides for an affordable, collaborative eLearning experience. And, if you reduce just two instructor-led training events - where someone needs to fly somewhere, rent a car, a hotel room and eat up more carbon footprint, you can get TOPYX up and running – probably within two to three weeks with our implementation team. You can test drive TOPYX right now.

So, another first Friday has come and gone. Maybe it does need to be so dreadful. I hope you consider investing in your team’s productivity, cut instructor led training (and reduce your carbon footprint as a result) and have a payback in a matter of weeks. TOPYX can make that happen.