“What are you twelfth man on the deal team – last to know?”
Gordon Gekko
Ever feel sometimes that you don’t get the joke? I wonder if that sometimes happening with respect to eLearning. Cego Group, Europe’s largest learning and development company, recently completed a survey that showed employees wanted more eLearning (by 25%) and eLearning 2.0 (by 33%) (eLearning 2.0 is built around collaborative learning, using Web 2.0 tools such as blogging, forums, shoutboxes, etc). In addition, 75% of employees want more peer training and learning – social learning.
Which led me to thinking about some memorable quotes from one of my favorite movies - Wall Street…
Gordon Gekko asked Bud Fox http://www.entertonement.com/clips/27561/Wall-Street/Michael-Douglas/Gordon-Gecko/Twelfth-Man-on-the-Deal-Team “What are you twelfth man on the deal team – last to know.” Do you think the HR function is getting it? Is HR always the last to learn?
The good news is that we are talking to a lot of organizations that are getting it. That’s why they are exploring how eLearning 2.0 tools with social networking, integrated with traditional learning management functionality.
But some are not. Another great Gekko line comes to mind: http://www.entertonement.com/clips/72725/If-You-Are-Not-Inside-You-Are-Outside “If you’re not inside, then you’re outside, ok?” OK.
How can this be? Why is HR behind the curve? Is it generational?
As CEO, the question I would ask my head of HR – do you have a Facebook™ page? Over 200 million do... Which means many, if not most, of your employees or students do. If your HR head does not have a Facebook page, ask and ensure they are considering relevant collaborative eLearning tools that are on the market today.
In our marketing material, which you can review at http://www.interactyx.com/download-eLearning-topyx-brochures, we refer to research that shows that corporate learners, especially Generation X and Generation Y – are demanding eLearning tools that products, such as TOPYX™.
My last Gordon Gekko quote (promise - at least in this blog): http://www.entertonement.com/clips/27569/Wall-Street/Michael-Douglas/Gordon-Gecko/This-Is-Your-Wake-Up-Call “This is your wake up call pal. Go to work.” Listen to what the staff (and Gordon Gekko) is saying.
Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 and mLearning platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to http://www.interactyx.com/.
Alfred R. Novas
Chief Executive Officer
Interactyx Limited
Chief Executive Officer
Interactyx Limited