Tuesday, April 21, 2009

“…2009 may well prove to be the most significant year in the evolution of the book since Gutenberg hammered out his original Bible.”

“…2009 may well prove to be the most significant year in the evolution of the book since Gutenberg hammered out his original Bible.”
Wall Street Journal. April 20, 2009

On the cover of today’s Wall Street Journal’s The Journal Report, is a very interesting article by Steven Johnson called: “How the eBook will Change the Way We Read and Write.” The above quote is in his article. It essentially describes with the digitization of books, the entire game has changed on the purchase, sharing, communicating, writing, etc. of books. A very interesting read…

Use the replace all for eBooks and insert “eLearning 2.0”. 2009 will be the year that eLearning changes and eLearning 2.0 is embraced by corporations and institutions. Why? The promise was always there, the technology has not been. And like Amazon’s Kindle™ and Sony’s Reader™, eLearning 2.0 is available now. A recent survey - top 2 boxes equal 72% - by the eLearning Guild Research shows strong evidence that eLearning 2.0 initiatives are worth the effort in organizations.

If you read the article and consider all the powerful dynamics Steven Johnson describes that the electronic book will provide and consider an electronic learning platform for corporations and institutions, you have TOPYX™. Add to it the mobility of smartphones, you have TOPYX Mobile.

Learning objects enters the world of networked, digital content. Add existing content, create new content, collaborate with colleagues over difficult matters, debate immediately with folks learning the same content across the world, directly contact the instructor or author, repurpose content and resell small units or different units over various books (see our Edutainment business unit for more on ecommerce of TOPYX) through our ecommerce module.
TOPYX brings the engagement of Web 2.0 technologies into one elegant, intuitive learning platform that is affordable and easy to get into your operations and embraced by your learners. No need to wait any more.

Collaborative learning, cost savings and an environmentally friendly education distribution system our eLearning 2.0 and mLearning platform provides are just some of the benefits of TOPYX. For more information, blogs, forums, videos and even test driving TOPYX, please go to http://www.interactyx.com/.

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